i. Spitting on the walls, floors, pillars or doors of the college is strictly prohibited.
ii. Students are forbidden from loitering in the corridors when they have no classes to attend.
iii. Students are warned not to tamper with the electric bulbs, fans and the switch-boards.
iv. Misbehaviour of student, at any time, with the students, teachers, employees, and visitors to the campus will be severely dealt with.
v. Scribbling, pasting placards and other papers and disfiguring college walls are strictly prohibited. Any student disfiguring the walls shall be punished.
vi. No club or society should be started or maintained in the college and no function should be organized without the approval of the Principal.
vii. Students guilty of eve-teasing will be severely death with.
viii. Possession/ use of drugs, alcohol or peddling of drugs on campus/hostel is strictly forbidden.
ix. Any unruly behaviour in buses/blocking the traffic/ travelling on footboards of buses/ any kind of annoyance to the public will result in immediate withdrawal of scholarships and may eventually lead to expulsion from the hostel/college.
x. Inviting/meeting strangers or unauthorized persons inside the college campus without any valid reason or permission from the Principal is prohibited.
xi. He/she shall uphold always the high values of the Indian society.
xii. Any breach of discipline may entail the punishment by a fine, expulsion or rustication on the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee duly constituted by the Principal.
1. Good behaviour to members of teaching staff, non teaching staff and students.
2. Participation in the programmes of the college.
3. Co-operative and positive attitude towards the fellow students and the staff.
4. To maintain peace and foster study atmosphere.
5. Co-operation in the administration of the college.
6. Not to indulge in immoral activities.
7. Maintenance of decorum in the class room and in the campus.
8. Peaceful participation in the Games , N.S.S. , Red Cross and other college organizations.
9. Subject to revision , in case of any dispute , the decision of the Principal is final and binding.
Dhirajlal College Bahalda, Mayurbhanj, Odisha Pin: 757047