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College Library

The name of the college Library is “RAMSEVAK LIBRARY”. The staff, students of the college and other persons specially permitted by the Principal may use the library.

1) The library remains opened from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on each working day.
2. The following is the specification showing the maximum number of books that may be issued to various classes of borrowers.

Honours Students
1. Books should be returned within the period allowed to a borrower.
2. Students can borrow books for a maximum period of 15 days from the library. If the book is not returned within the specific date , a fine will be charged per day for each book till the date of return of book.
3. A borrower having a library book in his possession should return it to the Library as soon as he receives a requisition notice from the librarian.
4. No notes or markings should be made on the pages of the library books, nor should be disfigured. If the borrower does such mistake, he/she must be penalized.
5. Each borrower must examine the condition of the books before they are issued. Otherwise, the borrower will be held responsible for any damage there to.
6. The librarian will report to the Principal the names of persons responsible for improper use of the library books.
7. A borrower, against whom any fee or charge is outstanding, shall not be allowed to borrow books from the library.
8. Spitting, Smoking, Sleeping, use of mobile inside the Library and putting legs on the library furniture are strictly forbidden.
9. An un-authorized person who tries to force his way in to the library may be turned out from the library by the Library Staff. 10. A book once issued to borrower may be re-issued to him only when nobody else wants to take the book. Books before re-issued should be presented before the librarian for necessary entries in the register.
11. Books of reference, maps, text books, current issues of periodicals, courses of studies shall not be issued for use at home without the special permission of the Principal.
12. Members of the teaching staff, the ministerial staff and other staff may take books from the library on signing on a register. The Students must takeout books on cards which will be given to them after they are admitted to the college.
13. Any book lost, damaged or defected by a borrower must be replaced by him. If the book is one of a series and the volume cannot be obtained single , the whole set of series must be replaced by the borrower. Should the book be rare or irreplaceable, the borrower must pay five times the cost of the book.
15. Rare books/Library copy books (reserved copy) cannot be issued to staff & students.
16. No staff & students will be allowed to keep library books with him/her during the summer vacation. All such books should be returned before the Annual stock verification. Books will be issued to the members of the staff only after the verification of the stock.
17. In case of loss of the library cards duplicate card will be issued on payment of required fee.
18. If a book is lost or damaged by the candidate, double price of the book along with a fine imposed by the Principal will be realized from him/her.
19. In case of default of above rules his/her name will be struck off from admission register.


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